September 13, 2024


Our Only Intention, Is To Take You High

Balancing Your Chakra

Balancing Your Chakra
  • Balancing My Root Chakra
  • Balancing My Sacral Chakra
  • Balancing My Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Balancing My Heart chakra
  • Balancing My Throat Chakra
  • Balancing My Third Eye Chakra
  • Balancing My Crown Chakra

Balancing My Root Chakra

Balancing My Root Chakra
Balancing My Root Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your root chakra. Align your root chakra with the following methods.


  • Eat red foods to support the well- being of your root chakra. This includes
  • red peppers
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • cherries
  • pomegranates
  • beets
  • tomatoes
  • Meat proteins
  • If meat isn’t in your diet, protein can be added with wholesome substitutes
  • Tofu
  • Tempah
  • Beans
  • Lentils, peas
  • In addition, the following herbs can be used:
  • Burdock
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Calendula
  • Reishi

Color Therapy

Wear red to give you that grounded energy you need. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating red into your daily routine will strengthen your sense of security and help to stabilize your being.

Crystal Healing

Red gems such as rubies, garnet, smokey quartz, red jasper, red coral and bloodstone assist with aligning your root chakra.


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on safety and being grounded in your power. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I am grounded and safe. All my needs are met. My power is my own and I am rooted in that power”. Physical activity/ Being outdoors Physical activity is highly recommended, for a change why not take your favorite activity outside? Be it exercising, yoga, reading or just sitting with your feet or hands in the dirt. Increasing your exposure to natural elements and moving your body, especially in the natural element earth, will improve your ability to feel more grounded and regulate your root chakra.


Binaural frequencies at 256 Hz are specialized for the root chakra. Meditate on the color red while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra LAM can be used during this time for added benefits.


These yoga poses are specifically designed to encourage energy to flow to the root chakra.

  • Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
  • Head to Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Corpse Pose (Savasana)
  • Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Balancing My Sacral Chakra

Balancing My sacral Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your sacral chakra. Align your sacral chakra with the following methods.


  • Eat orange foods to support the well- being of your sacral chakra. This includes
  • orange bell peppers
  • oranges
  • sweet potatoes
  • peaches
  • apricots
  • tangerines
  • carrots
  • mangoes
  • papayas
  • Seeds (poppy, flax, hemp, sesame, etc…)
  • These herbs also work well in alignment with your sacral chakra:
  • Raspberry
  • Red Clover
  • Shatavari
  • Hibiscus
  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla

Color Therapy

Wear orange to give you that creative and stimulating confidence you need. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating orange into your daily routine will strengthen your ability to enjoy life with passion in the comfort of your skin.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the sacral chakra. Orange gems sure are effective in aligning your sacral chakra, such as:

  • carnelian
  • amber
  • tigers eye
  • orange calcite
  • peach selenite


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on positive self- image and that embraces your sexuality and creative nature. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I embrace my pleasure and sensuality. My creativity is unique and I expressed it with ease.”

Activities That Promote Creative Energy

Expressing yourself using a creative outlet does wonders to heal and align your sacral chakra. What creative hobbies do you partake in? Your Svadhisthana is charged with pleasurable energy that creative expression transfers, allowing positivity and harmony into aspects of your life. A great tip is to have a creative hobby, this way, you always have that creative energy working to align your sacral chakra to help you enjoy life’s pleasure with a spontaneous and passionate spirit. Give these activities a try. Creative activities include:

  • Dancing- dances with frequent hip movement is great for opening up the sacral chakra
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Crafts
  • Sculpting
  • Pottery
  • Any kind of play E.g. video games, etc…
  • Photography
  • Outdoor activities E.g. hiking, walking, skiing


Binaural frequencies at 288 hz are specialized for the sacral chakra. Meditate on the color orange while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra VAM(pronounced vawm) can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the sacral chakra. The following poses work especially to open the sacral chakra.

  • Goddess pose
  • Warrior 2
  • Pigeon pose
  • Cobra psoe
  • Camel pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Pelvic tilts

Water Activities

Since the sacral chakra is elemental in nature, water activities such as swimming, beach- lounging, or kayaking are vastly effective in increasing the well- being of your 2nd chakra. Other water activities include:

  • Surfing
  • Beach volleyball
  • Sailing
  • Diving
  • Fishing

Balancing My Solar Plexus Chakra

Balancing My Solar Plexus Chakra
Balancing My Solar Plexus Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your solar plexus chakra. Align your solar plexus chakra with the following methods.


Eat yellow foods to support the well- being of your solar plexus chakra. This includes

  • Yellow bell peppers
  • pineapple
  • bananas
  • corn
  • lemons
  • Eggs
  • Chickpeas
  • Tamarind
  • Ginger
  • Whole grains- oats, brown rice, spelt, rye
  • These herbs also work well in alignment with your solar plexus chakra:
  • Dandelion
  • Calendula
  • Linden
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile
  • Dill

Color Therapy

Wear yellow to give you that creative and stimulating confidence you need. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating orange into your daily routine will strengthen your ability to enjoy life with passion in the comfort of your skin.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the solar plexus. Yellow gems sure are effective in aligning your Manipura chakra, such as:

  • Citrine
  • amber
  • tigers eye
  • honey calcite
  • Yellow Jasper
  • Lemon Quartz


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on positive self- image and inner power to help you embrace your sense of purpose. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I am confident in my power. I accept me as I am. I am worthy of the life I envision”. Activities that promote curiosity Step out of your comfort zone and dive into a new world of exploration. Trying new things and being adventurous with foods, songs, hobbies, etc. will encourage you to reconnect and stimulate your individuality.

Outdoor activities- sunlight exposure

The solar plexus is ruled by the element of fire. Harness this energy by spending your time in the sunlight. Take your activities outside and relish in the warmth of daylight. Another good way to activate your solar plexus is to sunbathe, slap on your sunscreen and bask in the warmth of this natural resource.


Binaural frequencies at 320 Hz are specialized for the solar plexus chakra. Meditate on the color yellow while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra RAM (pronounced rawm) can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the Manipura chakra. The following poses work especially to open the solar plexus chakra.

  • Boat Pose
  • Sun Salutations
  • Forward bend
  • Spinal twists

Balancing My Heart Chakra

Balancing My Heart Chakra


  • Eat green foods to support the well- being of your heart chakra. This includes
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • limes
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Peas
  • Kiwi
  • Spirulina
  • Green Apples
  • These herbs also work well in alignment with your heart chakra:
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Green Tea
  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Marjoram
  • Nettle

Color Therapy

Wear green to give you that warm, nurturing energy needed.. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating green into your daily routine will keep your heart open and ground you in compassion and love.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the heart chakra. Green and heart opening gems sure are effective in aligning your heart chakra, such as:

  • Jade
  • Rose Quartz
  • Green Aventurine
  • Amazonite
  • Green Opal
  • Aquamarine


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on positive self- image and that embraces your sexuality and creative nature. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I am loved and I am love. My ability to give and receive is abundant.”


This technique is purposeful in assisting the heart chakra with release. By writing down your feelings, emotions, etc. Trapped energy can be adequately transmuted and may also in turn provide insightful resolutions and perspective. Even more, journaling also promotes feelings of gratitude which is an excellent way to stimulate the heart chakra.


Binaural frequencies at 342 Hz are specialized for the sacral chakra. Meditate on the color green while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra YAM(pronounced yawm) can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the heart chakra. The following poses work especially to open the sacral chakra.

  • High lunge
  • Cobra pose
  • Sphinx pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Pelvic tilts

Balancing My Throat Chakra

Balancing My Throat Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your throat chakra. Align this chakra with the following methods.


Eat blue and soothing foods to support the well- being of your throat chakra. This includes

  • Blueberries
  • Lemons
  • Blackberries
  • Coconut water
  • Organic honey
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Herbal teas

Color Therapy

Wear blue to give you that creative and stimulating confidence you need. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating orange into your daily routine will strengthen your ability to enjoy life with passion in the comfort of your skin.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the Vishuddha. Blue gems sure are effective in aligning your throat chakra, such as:

  • Amazonite
  • Turquoise
  • Aquamarine
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Kyanite
  • Sodalite
  • Blue lace agate
  • Celestite


If affirmations are your cup of tea, channeling some that center around authenticity and freedom will assist in unlocking your innate expression . Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I choose to communicate truthfully with authenticity . I am open and free to express myself.”

Verbal expression

Any form of verbal expression is connected to the throat chakra. For that reason, engaging in spoken word, singing or even writing poems evidently will assist in balancing this chakra of depression.


Binaural frequencies at 384 hz are specialized for the throat chakra. Meditate on the color blue while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra HAM(pronounced hawm) can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the Visuddha chakra. The following poses work especially to open the sacral chakra.

  • Plow pose
  • Camel pose
  • Baby cobra pose
  • Fish pose
  • Cat and Cow pose
  • Downward dog pose

Balancing My Third Eye Chakra

Balancing My Third Eye Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your third eye chakra. Align your Ajna chakra with the following methods.


Eat purple foods to support the well- being of your third eye chakra. This includes

  • Eggplant
  • Purple grapes
  • Purple cabbage
  • Blackberries
  • Figs
  • Elderberries
  • Black currants
  • raisins

Color Therapy

Wear indigo to stimulate intuitive energy and ground you to the flow of the universe. Whether it be an article of clothing jewelry or accessories, incorporating indigo into your daily routine will strengthen your ability to trust yourself and move intuitively throughout life.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the third eye chakra. Indigo and blue gems sure are effective in aligning this chakra, such as:

  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Labradorite
  • Tanzanite
  • Iolite
  • Amethyst
  • Purple fluorite
  • apatite


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on positive self- image and inner power to help you honor your truth and divine compass. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “I am confident in my power. The universe guides me and my intuition is filled with wisdom, truth and honor”.

Sunlight Exposure

Harness this energy by spending your time in the sunlight. Take your activities outside and relish in the warmth of daylight. Sunlight will greatly benefit the opening of this chakra.


Binaural frequencies at 426Hz are specialized for the solar plexus chakra. Meditate on the color indigo while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra AJNA can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the Manipura chakra. The following poses work especially to open the sacral chakra.

  • Lotus pose
  • Child’s pose
  • Downward dog pose
  • Wide legged forward bend
  • Puppy pose
  • Pigeon pose

Balancing My Crown Chakra

Balancing My Crown Chakra

There are various techniques that can be adopted to encourage the health of your crown chakra. Align your Sahasrara chakra with the following methods.


Although fasting comes highly recommended while balancing this chakra, eating purple and white foods promote the well- being of your crown chakra. This includes

  • Eggplant
  • Ginger
  • Onions
  • Coconut meat
  • Garlic
  • Lychee
  • Clean alkaline water

These herbs also work well in alignment with your solar plexus chakra:

  • Lavender
  • Sage
  • Mugwort
  • Frankincense
  • Juniper

Color Therapy

Wear violet or white to give you that insightful and confident you need. Whether it be an article of clothing, jewelry or accessories, incorporating these colors into your daily routine will strengthen your ability to enjoy life with wisdom, understanding and inner peace.

Crystal Healing

Utilizing crystals is an excellent technique in healing the crown chakra. White and violet gems sure are effective in aligning your Sahasrara chakra, such as:

  • Selenite
  • Clear Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Diamond
  • Spirit Quartz
  • Ametrine
  • Topaz
  • Moonstone


If affirmations are your cup of tea, you can integrate one that focuses on inner peace and our spiritual connection with all. Feel free to repeat this affirmation on a habitual basis: “Peace is within me. I am divinely guided. I am enlightened in truth”.


Binaural frequencies at 400 hz are specialized for the solar plexus chakra. Meditate on the color yellow while listening to this frequency, as a plus, the Seed Mantra OM (pronounced aum) can be used during this time for added benefits.


Yoga is a wonderful technique for healing the Sahasrara chakra. The following poses work especially to open the crown chakra.

  • Corpse pose
  • Headstand
  • Lotus pose
  • Tree pose
  • Couch pose
  • Rabbit pose



Balancing Those Chakras
