February 19, 2025


Our Only Intention, Is To Take You High

Know Your Chakra – Higher Chakra

Know Your Chakra - Higher Chakra

Higher Chakras

  • Heart Chakra — Center Of The Chest — GREEN
  • Throat Chakra — Base Of The Throat — BLUE
  • Third Eye Chakra — Just Above Area Between The Eyes — INDIGO
  • Crown Chakra — Top Of The Head — VIOLET/PURPLE

As mentioned in the article Know Your Chakra- lower chakras,

the chakras are usually presented with a separation between those lower and higher in respect to where they can be found along the spine. The higher or upper chakras are akin to spirituality, unlike the lower chakras which are synonymous with our materialistic natures.

Representing the different facets of the mind, body and spirit in relation to divinity or godliness and the balance that these spiritual attributes contribute to our complexity.

Heart Chakra


The heart chakra, or Anahata, is found near the center of your chest, close to the heart muscle. That being said, its governance covers our capacity to be vulnerable and our ability to love. Freedom of love and compassion is also governed by this chakra. Anahata, translates to “unhurt” in Sanskrit, it is widely known to be the bridge merging the lower and upper chakras. Considered to be the most influential of the seven chakras, it is activated by the search of godliness through unconditional love.

The fourth chakra is represented by the color green. This color usually signifies renewal, freshness, hope and growth. Its respective element is Air, associated with expansion. Once this heart energy center is active, expansion through self realization automatically encourages a deeper “inner standing” of self and of course others. The heart center opens to allow meditation of our relationships and the emotional vulnerability we can share within those relationships.

This emotional vulnerability and trust allows us to connect deeper within our relationships. Giving and receiving freely, and in turn feeling fulfilled in our connection with others. Long lasting and growing relationships are made possible with the help of a balanced heart chakra.

Identifying A Healthy Heart Chakra

    • Love for self and others
    • Healthy relationships
    • Compassion
    • Empathy
    • Forgiveness
    • Acceptance
    • Ability to grieve and let go
    • Growth
    • Discernment
    • Trust
    • Affection
    • Emotional vulnerability

Identifying An Unbalanced Heart Chakra

An unbalanced heart chakra chakra usually promotes feelings of desolation and constant mistrust. We feel unable to genuinely care for others and that others’ feelings towards us are a hoax. We create illusions of authenticity in our lives.

The traits below are also established with an unbalanced heart chakra:

    • Emotional instability
    • Frustration
    • Guilt & shame
    • Feelings of isolation
    • Fear of change
    • Intimacy issues
    • Frigidity
    • Insecurities
    • Depression
    • Detachment
    • Fragile boundaries
    • Codependency
    • Prone to addictions

Throat Chakra

Know Your Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, as it is called in Sanskrit, takes precedence at the base of the throat. Hence, its given name “throat chakra”. As such, the fifth chakra is synonymous with our ability to communicate effectively. It is also said to give voice to the heart chakra in expressing our innermost truth and desires.

Vishuddha, translated, is equivalent to the purging of toxicity from the body. This chakra is said to have the power to detoxify the impurities from mind and body. Represented by the element space/ether , the throat chakra guides our verbal and non- verbal expressions, providing us with a strong connection to space and freedom. The color blue is associated with the throat chakra.

This color relates to soothing, calming energy. It’s healing properties provide a tether to divinity. Studies also show that due to blue being a cool color, it influences and stimulates stillness freeing the mind from clutter and negative thoughts. Consequently, this color is infamous as the color of communication.

Identifying A Healthy Throat Chakra

Progression and perspective is linked to the element of ether. Just as we are able to communicate ourselves transparently through a balanced throat chakra, we are also able to comprehend the personal truth of others. This goes the same for our inner dialogue, this chakra governs to what degree we speak to our true selves.

Traits of a balanced throat chakra include:

    • Clear communication
    • Wisdom and considerate discernment
    • Transparency
    • Positive self- talk
    • Expansion
    • Integrity
    • Well rounded social skills
    • Boldness

Identifying An Unbalanced Throat Chakra

    • Many ailments, both physical and non- physical manifest with a blocked throat chakra.
    • Social anxiety
    • Timid
    • Dishonesty
    • Insecure
    • Difficulty in self expression
    • Indecisive
    • Insensitive
    • Impulsive
    • Hearing issues
    • Thyroid problems
    • Sore throat
    • Neck pain

Third Eye Chakra

Know Your 3rd Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra (pronounced Agya) as known in Sanskrit , is located between your eyebrows. Responsible for intuition, the Ajna chakra is pivotal to higher consciousness and perception. When activated this chakra provides spiritual ascension and connects us deeper to the power of the divine.

It is said the physical eyes enable us to view the past and present, the third eye enables the power to glimpse with insight into the future. This can be extremely profitable while in meditation and asana practices, grounding us into deeper awareness. This sixth chakra provokes transcendence of the physical realm we abide.

Expressed by the cool color Indigo, linked with the essence of night, the sixth chakra invites us closer to divinity. Prompting clarity to the physical senses, this color symbolizes prudence and philosophy. Hence, individuals are able to harness the freedom of expression and inner knowledge through a balanced Ajna chakra.

Identifying A Healthy Third Eye Chakra

Illumination, gifted to those with a balanced third eye chakra, results in easy manifestation in life. Wisdom within you shines and brings light into your perspective of the world.

Activating this chakra also brings positive traits such as:

    • Strong Intuition
    • Open mindedness
    • Self awareness
    • Greater perception
    • Imaginative
    • Emotionally balanced
    • Vivid dreams
    • Decisive
    • Psychic inhibitions

Identifying An Unhealthy Third Eye Chakra

Modern day society encourages a disconnect from our true selves with the constant desire for materialism, this negatively impacts our Ajna chakra. The constant battle for worldly approval, negative self image etc. … further distance us from our intuition and divine knowledge.

An unbalanced third eye chakra can be identified by the following:

    • Self- doubt
    • Narrow mindedness
    • Indecisiveness
    • Lack of focus
    • Depression
    • Insomnia
    • Anxiety
    • Stagnant

Crown Chakra

Know Your Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, the last chakra in the seven point chakra system. This is located at the top of the head. Sahasrara, meaning thousand or infinite, is the last of the seven main chakras. Your Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. Free of the ego, the self is free to make visible changes in habits and attitude to better align with the truest self.

Represented by pure white light or the color purple, this chakra brings spiritual enlightenment and releases the flow of source energy, connecting us to the Divine. This color is said to be an assortment of the aspects of the remaining chakras. Activating the seventh chakra welcomes transformation, inner peace and change into the life of our being.

Through the Sahasrara, negativity and stress is eradicated. Consequently, emotions such as acceptance, compassion and gratitude. Additionally, brain functions like memory, intelligence, focus and problem solving are encouraged by the crown chakra.

Identifying A Healthy Crown Chakra

Evidently, individuals with a balanced crown chakra are highly perceptive and are usually knowledgeable. These persons are prepared for everyday life as source provides the insight needed. Rarely do they let emotions control them and they are highly adaptable beings.

    • Gratitude
    • Compassion
    • Vivid Dreams
    • Enlightenment
    • Psychic Abilities
    • Greater Connection To Source
    • Occasional Ringing In The Ears
    • Improved Manifestation

Identifying An Unhealthy Crown Chakra

  • Self – Destructive Behavior
  • Lack Of Direction
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Superiority Complex
  • Brain Fog

Know Your Chakra- higher chakras
